Thursday, 8 January 2015

Filming the sequence

When it came to filming the content; I used the basic camera given to us as well as a tripod along with lighting equipment to go with it.
As we already had a plan of action because of the storyboard it was easy to decide where to stand to get the needed shots. I established an 180° line within the scene that is between the characters, this was established prior to the conversation start to tell the audience where the two characters are in the frame. I attempted to use a range of different techniques, for instance, the sequence begins with a tracking shot in which I follow the protagonist. During the conversation I used wide shots along with OTS shots. Along with an ECU on the protagonists shoes as he walked. The picture shown is proof of my filming.

1 comment:

  1. This sort of post is much more effective with photos to illustrate. From now on, try hard to do this. You can use a phone.
