Sunday, 3 May 2015

Evaluation- Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the full product?
Re-watching our preliminary task it is obvious that as a group we have learnt a great deal since then. For me personally, I learnt things specific to lighting, camerawork and post production techniques in the editing stage.
In the prelim there was a lot of discontinuity when it came to lighting, I had not been taught how to use things like shutters to direct my lighting in a certain way and how to adjust it so that all shots were the same. As evidenced below in the shot-reverse-shot sequence.


Whereas in the final product for this task, the lighting stayed relatively similar depending on the location e.g. the lighting outside was different from the lighting used in the beginning of the sequence and the inside bit where the assassin is.


In terms of camera work, the shot sizes and angles we used in the preliminary task were all very similar if not exactly the same. Whereas in the final task we used a variety of sizes and angles, such as birds eye and worms eye view.


Finally, in the case of post production techniques not only did I learn how to put effects on as seen above, I also learnt how to put synchronous diegetic sound during post production and how to change them depending on the situation for example, the second shot sound is quieter than the first one as the gun is "further way".